CITSM 2020 our first virtual conference

The World Health Organization (WHO) verified on 12 January 2020 that a novel coronavirus was the cause of respiratory disease in a population cluster in Wuhan, Hubei, China, as stated to the WHO on 31 December 2019.

Many areas of our lives have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organisations have moved their in-person conferences to virtual meetings following guidelines for social distancing.

And although before COVID-19, online activities such as webinars occurred, virtual conferences further present advantages and challenges for participants to manage. For example, to support our professional development needs while saving money on travel, we can attend more than one conference. The biggest challenge of attending a virtual meeting, however, is that we sometimes miss out on the face-to-face element of networking.

However, does not prevent us from continuing to hold the Conference as a place to share research developments in cyber and technology. CITSM 2020 hosted as a fully virtual conference last year, via the Zoom event platform.

There is 214 papers submission and only 126 papers are accepted. Accepted papers will be presented in one of the regular sessions and will be published in the conference proceedings volume. All accepted papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore.

We are inspired to see the creativity and innovation from our participants on CITSM 2020 although it is our first virtual conference, in engaging their research colleagues and community. We are now looking forward to see our next events in 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact the CITSM team. We are happy to support you during this tough time!