Visa Information

The following information are taken from here.

Update on Indonesian Visa and Stay Permit During COVID-19 Pandemic / New Normal Situation

The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Houston refers to the Regulation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights No 26 Year 2020 dated 1 October 2020, applying new rules related to Visa and Stay Permit in New Normal Situation (Covid-19 Pandemic), as follows:

  1. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is still suspending the Visit Visa exemption (Free Visa) and Visa on Arrival regime until the Covid-19 pandemic is declared over by the Indonesian ministry or agency mitigating the Covid-19 outbreak.
  2. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is not issuing Multiple Visit Visa during New Normal Situation / COVID-19 Pandemic
  3. The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Houston is no longer issuing any Visit Visa(s) or Limited Stay Visa(s)
  4. To obtain an Indonesian Visit Visa or Limited Stay Visa, foreigners require a Visa Approval from the Director General of Immigration of Indonesia. The application is submitted by a Sponsor/Guarantor(Indonesian citizen or corporate in Indonesia) of the foreigner through
  5. If approved, the foreigners can submit the visa application (through,) to obtain an electronic Visa or e-Visa issued by the Directorate General of Immigration of Indonesia. The e-Visa feature will be available on 15 October 2020
  6. Indonesian visa issuance during COVID-19 Pandemic is limited to Visitor Visa and Temporary Stay Visa for specific activities, such as Visitor Visa (B211A, B211B, B211C) for:
  1. an emergency and essential work;
  2. a business meeting;
  3. purchase of goods;
  4. a probationary period for foreign workers;
  5. a medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker; and
  6. a crew member who joins the vessel in Indonesia.

Temporary Stay Visa/VITAS for:

  1. as a professional or expert;
  2. who joins to work on ships, on vessels, or installations operating in the Indonesian maritime zone, territorial sea, continental shelf, and Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone;
  3. whose job is quality control of goods or products;
  4. who conducts workplace inspections and audit;
  5. whose work with an aftersales service;
  6. who installs and repairs machine;
  7. with a non-permanent work in constructions;
  8. with a probationary period for skilled works.
  9. a foreign Investment
  10. a family reunion
  11. retirement travel
  12. Requirements to apply for a Visa at are:
  • a sponsor letter;
  • foreign national’s passport biodata page;
  • return tickets for entering/exiting the Indonesian territory;
  • Bank statement/current account (for Visitor Visa application it is required for Sponsors to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds of at least US$10,000 to support the foreign nationals living expenses during stay in Indonesia).
  • a health certificate in English in a form of a valid declaration of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with a Covid-19 Negative result
  • a declaration letter in English consented to do a mandatory self-isolation or undertake a medical treatment at an accommodation or a designated health facility by the Indonesian government at the traveler’s own expense when a PCR check upon arrival by the health authority at ports of entry results in a positive with the Covid-19 or with symptoms in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
  • a consent letter to be monitored during the quarantine or self-isolation in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
  • health insurance or travel insurance covering medical expenses, and/or a declaration letter of medical treatment at own expenses, if contracted with the Covid-19 during their stay in Indonesia.
  1. When Visa application granted (electronically/no physical presence needed), e-Visa (Visit Visa or Limited Stay Visa) will be sent to the email address of the applicant or sponsor/guarantor. With the e-Visa, foreigners may travel to Indonesia (no need to visit Indonesian embassy/consulate general/consulate for applying or printing visa label);
  2. ​Stay Permit or Re-entry Permit cannot be extended in the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia;
  3. Foreigners who are currently holding an Indonesia Stay Permit (Limited Stay Permit or Permanent Stay Permit) or Re-entry Permit that is already expired, must apply for a new visa.