Visa Information
The following information are taken from here.
Update on Indonesian Visa and Stay Permit During COVID-19 Pandemic / New Normal Situation
The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Houston refers to the Regulation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights No 26 Year 2020 dated 1 October 2020, applying new rules related to Visa and Stay Permit in New Normal Situation (Covid-19 Pandemic), as follows:
- The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is still suspending the Visit Visa exemption (Free Visa) and Visa on Arrival regime until the Covid-19 pandemic is declared over by the Indonesian ministry or agency mitigating the Covid-19 outbreak.
- The Government of the Republic of Indonesia is not issuing Multiple Visit Visa during New Normal Situation / COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Houston is no longer issuing any Visit Visa(s) or Limited Stay Visa(s)
- To obtain an Indonesian Visit Visa or Limited Stay Visa, foreigners require a Visa Approval from the Director General of Immigration of Indonesia. The application is submitted by a Sponsor/Guarantor(Indonesian citizen or corporate in Indonesia) of the foreigner through
- If approved, the foreigners can submit the visa application (through,) to obtain an electronic Visa or e-Visa issued by the Directorate General of Immigration of Indonesia. The e-Visa feature will be available on 15 October 2020
- Indonesian visa issuance during COVID-19 Pandemic is limited to Visitor Visa and Temporary Stay Visa for specific activities, such as Visitor Visa (B211A, B211B, B211C) for:
- an emergency and essential work;
- a business meeting;
- purchase of goods;
- a probationary period for foreign workers;
- a medical, food, and humanitarian aid worker; and
- a crew member who joins the vessel in Indonesia.
Temporary Stay Visa/VITAS for:
- as a professional or expert;
- who joins to work on ships, on vessels, or installations operating in the Indonesian maritime zone, territorial sea, continental shelf, and Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone;
- whose job is quality control of goods or products;
- who conducts workplace inspections and audit;
- whose work with an aftersales service;
- who installs and repairs machine;
- with a non-permanent work in constructions;
- with a probationary period for skilled works.
- a foreign Investment
- a family reunion
- retirement travel
- Requirements to apply for a Visa at are:
- a sponsor letter;
- foreign national’s passport biodata page;
- return tickets for entering/exiting the Indonesian territory;
- Bank statement/current account (for Visitor Visa application it is required for Sponsors to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds of at least US$10,000 to support the foreign nationals living expenses during stay in Indonesia).
- a health certificate in English in a form of a valid declaration of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with a Covid-19 Negative result
- a declaration letter in English consented to do a mandatory self-isolation or undertake a medical treatment at an accommodation or a designated health facility by the Indonesian government at the traveler’s own expense when a PCR check upon arrival by the health authority at ports of entry results in a positive with the Covid-19 or with symptoms in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
- a consent letter to be monitored during the quarantine or self-isolation in accordance with the health protocol and provisions of law and regulations.
- health insurance or travel insurance covering medical expenses, and/or a declaration letter of medical treatment at own expenses, if contracted with the Covid-19 during their stay in Indonesia.
- When Visa application granted (electronically/no physical presence needed), e-Visa (Visit Visa or Limited Stay Visa) will be sent to the email address of the applicant or sponsor/guarantor. With the e-Visa, foreigners may travel to Indonesia (no need to visit Indonesian embassy/consulate general/consulate for applying or printing visa label);
- Stay Permit or Re-entry Permit cannot be extended in the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Foreigners who are currently holding an Indonesia Stay Permit (Limited Stay Permit or Permanent Stay Permit) or Re-entry Permit that is already expired, must apply for a new visa.